Monday, November 26, 2007

Regina Ng - Michelle (Little girl)

Don't be fooled by this little girl as she smiles sweetly at you. She bursts with more energy than a pack of power energy bars as we chat excitedly at the playground. Her cheerfulness and bubbly nature is infectious as I kick off my shoes and join her on the swings flying higher and higher in order to catch her replies. Oh be still, my butterflies!

Tell us a little about yourself!

I'm a student currently studying in Pasir Ris Primary School. I just love staying in front of the google box and computer screen for hours on end! Favourite things to do include burying myself in a book the whole day (if you're wondering why I do not wear glasses yet, soon, people, soon...) and sleeping on my bed. To sum it up, I'm a 'lame' individual who loves to do 'lame' stuff and 'lame' around but in actual fact, is not lame. Go figure.

Have you had past experiences in a musical or drama production?

I did write and perform in a school play when I was in P3 for a Teacher's Day concert before. More recently, I put up a sort of variety show entitled "The Regina & Amanda Show" with me and my friend on frontline as the show hosts. It was a comedy sketch to put it simply, where we created our own TV ads and all. In other words, I was never involved in a major drama production or musical unless it required me to sit and eat popcorn while shaking my legs.

I guess if you're 'lame' and can't walk, you can always shake your legs. Ok, I'm pretty 'lame' myself! *roll the eyes* What made you agree to playing the role of the little girl?

Simply because I LOVE drama. And being able to serve God while indulging in my passion is a dream come true for me! Plus point is I get to work with such a united and harmonious cast and crew so as you can probably tell, I'm totally enjoying myself!

What does your role require of you?

Um... to act really cute, childish and mischievous all at once. I fail terribly in all three areas! Auntie Jingle has to keep reminding me, "Do what you usually do with your father. Regina, you gotta be more mischievous and cheeky."

What would be the most memorable moment for you since the start of production?

Watching the whole cast come together and the whole musical forming. The process is really satisfying and cool. Everyone doing their part will make it a success. It's the sense of unity the cast and crew exhibits that makes you look forward to long rehearsals all the time despite the lethargy later on.

If you had the choice of playing the role of another character, who would it be and why?

Hmm... I really can't decide. Each character has their own strengths and weaknesses that would be really fun to portray. If I really had to choose, it would be King Herod. From young, I always liked to play the villain or the antagonist in a production. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Not that I'm a bad girl, but I think antagonists are more fun to act out. The way they behave, talk etc. just strikes me, especially since King Herod gets to be really, really angry and evil in the show!

How do you prepare yourself before you go on stage to perform?

Recently, I've been trying to imitate Gabriella in High School Musical 2 where she does the vibrating lips thingie with her fingers like rain going down her face three times and finally goes "Mahk!" to see if it works in trying to calm you down. Results and effects will be updated soon. Other than that, I do some stretching exercises to warm myself up and say a short prayer.

Share one quirky habit of yours!

I wouldn't call it quirky; it's sort of paranoia, but when I leave a table or chair at a certain place like the food court, classroom, library, etc, I tend to always look back several times to check if I’d left anything there. Sure, it did prevent me from losing some of my stuff on a few occasions but most of the time, it just resulted in me receiving why's-that-weirdo-looking-behind-her-so-many-times stares from strangers especially in the food courts when someone else gets my table. How did it come about? Well, blame it on my one time forgetfulness when I accidentally left something behind in a food court. At least I managed to retrieve it but it resulted in this "Turn Your Head To Check For Stuff Left Behind Syndrome" otherwise known as ANPS which stands for Acute Neck Pain Syndrome.

At this point, I realise I'm starting to suffer from ABPS - Acute Bum Pain Syndrome as the swing is a tad too small for me. This gives us perfect excuse to run to the nearest mama shop to buy a Paddlepop. Catch this little girl with a big voice, live in BPMC on Dec 23rd 7.30pm and Dec 25th 10am.