Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Rachel Yong - Stage Manager

Rachel Yong, Stage Manager a.k.a. Wonder Woman turns a tender age of 15 on 23rd November '07 so this folks, is her birthday present (besides a bunch of grapes)!

Tell us a little about yourself.

I'm currently studying in Tanjong Katong Girls' School and man, it's like a military school where all of us have to wear green uniforms. Other than that, I kinda enjoy school 'cause its where most of my close friends are. I really hate it when my brothers (gosh, the terror when you have THREE of them) intrude into my private space and irritate me.

Aww... but your brother's quite cute in a big bear kind of way! (her brother Sam Yong plays the role of one of the Wise Men)

Haha HE IS??!! Yeah maybe he is lah, but when he's angry, he's a big angry bear. Don't tell him I told you about the angry bear part. He'll eat me up!

Ok, my lips are sealed! *wink* I hear you have had some experience in drama productions. Tell us a bit more about that.

I used to take drama as a subject when I was 14, although it was time-consuming but well, that's what drama is. It takes up like, 75% of your life, but I don't really mind since it's my passion, and I thank God for granting me this passion so that I can serve Him. Drama really opened my eyes, and it actually helped me to be a better person, because through drama, you actually learn to walk in other people's shoes and think as them.

If you could play any character in the musical, who would it be and why?

Actually, I wanted to act as Mary in the musical but I didn't get the role, so Auntie Jingle approached me to be part of the backstage crew as Stage Manager, yay! It's kinda time-consuming like I said, being part of a production, so you have to be prepared to commit lotsa time in the process.

We're all impressed with your level of commitment in this musical, that is why you're also known as Wonder Woman! What does your role as stage manager require of you?

Being the stage manager includes contributing ideas during rehearsals, forwarding emails and letting the crew know what they have to do. I also have to make sure that people come on time for rehearsals (or Auntie Jingle will "hantam" me) and help out with props and costumes making. But Auntie Jingle has been really nice, and she helps me out most of the time.

Which is the most difficult moment you’ve encountered since the start of production?

The most difficult moment was somewhere at the start of productions. I felt really small because everyone else who was involved is older than me and I felt daunted with all the things I have to do and settle by the deadline. But God is good, and He helped me through, placing Auntie Jingle in my life so that I can turn to her. Other than that, every rehearsal has been quite memorable for me, because when I see the fun the cast has practising their scenes, I get "infected" too!

Share one quirky habit of yours.

Haha, one of my quirky habits is to have weird poses when I take pictures. Like sticking out my tongue and opening my mouth, pretending I'm some phantom. I wonder how my I/C picture will turn out to be. Hmm...

If people were to describe you in one word, what would it be?


Ahh!! *interviewer falls off chair*