Friday, November 16, 2007

Bridget Goh – Scriptwriter, Production Co-ordinator

In order to get Brigo to do this interview, we had to buy her chicken. She is oblivious to the pile of chicken bones that accumulate in front of her as she devours chicken by the bucket. Watching her eat makes us hungry too, but the interview must go on!

Tell us a little about yourself.

I love music, diving, wakeboarding, and anything to do with nature. I'm very much a dreamer and I believe in living life with a passion. I don't like having to settle for mediocrity. If I commit to something, I give my utmost 110% (which is why I don't say 'yes' easily!). Most of the time, I'm very much in my own world... I'm either laughing at my own jokes or the joke's on me.

We understand that you're a violin teacher and music is very much a big part of your life. If you were to describe music in one sentence, what would it be?

Music is to the soul, what water is to the body.

How did you come up with the songs in the musical?

I've never really seen myself as a composer but most of the time when I'm experiencing extreme emotions, songs naturally come to me – both melody and lyrics at the same time. Being surrounded by nature inspires me too. I can't sit down and force myself to write just like that. In fact, the songs ‘Your Will Be Done’ and ‘Fool For You’ were not written for the musical. They were actually written during a point in my life where I had to make some important decisions that would affect my future. I was struggling with fear and doubts, yet I knew that God was telling me something and I couldn’t say ‘no'. You know how it is when one decision or action you take affects the course of your life and if you don't do it, you'll be walking off the path that was designated to you by God? As much of a chicken I am, I don't ever want to miss out on God's best plan for me so sometimes I just gotta hold my breath and jump.

Have you had past experiences in a musical or drama production?

When I was a kid, I used to love writing plays and forcing my friends to act in it. One day, my teacher asked if we could perform for the class. My scripts never had an ending so we were just making it up as we went along. We only ended it when someone asked, "Is it over yet?" That was the only experience I've had in such things. I've always wanted to write a musical for Easter or Christmas but never quite put my ideas on paper.‘More Than Just A Story’is the first musical I've ever written and it's an honor to write it with my sister as it is written with the purpose of bringing people to Christ. In terms of a real production, I know almost nuts about it. That's why I'm very grateful for Auntie Jingle and Rachel!

We hear that this musical was originally written for a Christmas outreach during a missions trip to Thailand. Would you like to tell us more about that?

The musical was originally 20 minutes long and it was titled 'The First Christmas'. It was performed by eight of us in 2005. We brought the musical to the slums, schools, neighbourhoods and evangelistic outreach events. When I returned to Singapore, I felt it would be cool to perform it in our church (BPMC) too, with an expanded script as we don't have to be overseas on a missions trip to do something like this. The deep hunger and need for God is universal and very much right here at our doorstep. Auntie Jingle was more than enthusiastic about it and that's when we got together with my sister (Gayle) to discuss the expansion. This was some time back in September 2006, I think.

What has been the most memorable moment for you since the start of production?

Rushing the postcard designs with Adam and working on the videos through the nights, trying to beat the break of dawn with the help of grapes, a bag of Lays and the Holy Spilit! Quite the adrenaline rush! Seeing the postcards and holding them in my hands at the printer's was euphoric. Ask Adam!

Share one of your quirky habits with us!

Pulling strings of veggie (kang kong, to be precise) from the back of my braces. It's therapeutic. I don't wanna take my braces off! Here, check this out!

* Brigo opens mouth, sticks hand in …*